Insert exec

I was thinking about difference between INSERT and INSERT-EXEC statement from performance perspective since I saw lots of post announcing that you should avoid the second one mentioned (INSERT-EXEC). I decided to make few tests and look at this problematic from more angles to have better imagination about how these commands behave.

Testing scenarios:

  • Execution plan
  • IO stats and time stats
  • Extended events – statement completed event – row count
  • Transaction log behaviour
  • Transaction scope

Let’s create data structures for our tests:

First create tables for data insert

 CREATE TABLE dbo.InsertTable1 (id INT , [data] VARCHAR(255))
CREATE TABLE dbo.InsertTable2 (id INT , [data] VARCHAR(255))

Create two persistent temporary tables we will fill inside procedures we create:

CREATE TABLE dbo.TempTable1 (id INT , [data] VARCHAR(255))
CREATE TABLE dbo.TempTable2 (id INT, [data] VARCHAR(255))

Create objects we use to test:

The first one is stored procedure inserting data to InsertTable1 table – insert statement is part of stored procedure definition.

INSERT INTO dbo.TempTable1
SELECT TOP 100000 a.object_id,REPLICATE('a',10 ) a
  FROM sys.objects a
  JOIN sys.objects b ON 1=1

 INSERT INTO dbo.TempTable2
 SELECT TOP 100000 a.object_id,REPLICATE('a',10 ) a
  FROM sys.objects a
  JOIN sys.objects b ON 1=1 

  INSERT INTO dbo.InsertTable1
  SELECT * FROM dbo.TempTable1
  SELECT * FROM dbo.TempTable2

The second one batch inserts data to InsertTable2 table – insert is realized by INSERT – EXEC statement. 

EXEC ('INSERT INTO dbo.TempTable1 SELECT TOP 100000 a.object_id,REPLICATE('a',10 ) a 
FROM sys.objects a
JOIN sys.objects b ON 1=1

INSERT INTO dbo.TempTable2

SELECT TOP 100000  a.object_id,REPLICATE('a',10 ) a
FROM sys.objects a
JOIN sys.objects b ON 1=1

INSERT INTO dbo.InsertTable1
SELECT * FROM dbo.TempTable1
SELECT * FROM dbo.TempTable2

Execute satements to fill the data:

exec  dbo.InsertData

INSERT EXEC ('…') /*put exec part above*/

Cleaning statements – call it before statements executions

TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.InsertTable1
TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.InsertTable2

Switch IO stats/processing time /actual execution plan in studio on. Or put following commands:


Run following extended event with result to file.

ADD EVENT transaction_log 
( ACTION (sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.database_id,sqlserver.username)
ADD EVENT sql_transaction 
( ACTION (sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.database_id,sqlserver.username)
ADD EVENT sql_batch_completed 
( ACTION (sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.database_id,sqlserver.username)
ADD TARGET package0.event_file(
SET filename='C:\outputfile\outputfile2.xel')


Statement completed event – counters

Queries touched 400000 rows. 100000 for each from the two temptables and 200000 for final insert. But in case of insert we can see from batch completed event that query touched 600000 instead of 400000. Look at table below to check other counters.

       CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="batch_text"])[1]','NVARCHAR(100)')     AS batch_text,
       CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="duration"])[1]','NVARCHAR(100)')       AS duration,
       CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="physical_reads"])[1]','NVARCHAR(100)') AS physical_reads,
       CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="logical_reads"])[1]','NVARCHAR(100)') AS logical_reads,
(EVENT_data AS
AS row_count
FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file('C:\outputfile\outputfile1*.xel',
WHERE object_name = 'sql_batch_completed' ;


Counter Insert Insert – exec
Writes 1350 2194
Duration 9149345 11984022
Row count 400000 600000
Logical Reads 471973 962908
Physical Rads 662 1238

As you can see INSERT – EXEC statements consume more resources than normal insert on same set of data.

How it is possible than INSERT – EXEC generates additional 200000 row counts and finally touched 600000 rows and we made inserts with 400000 rows at total?

IO stats

Let’s check IO stats and execution plan to see the difference.

Worktable in IO stats
Worktable in IO stats


On picture above you can see that with INSERT-EXEC statement Worktable is created, means that insert-exec uses tempdb to store result- set before final insert. So, there we see that is an additional impact on tempdb and tempdb transaction log too.

Execution plan

Execution plan - INSERT EXEC
Execution plan – INSERT EXEC


The difference in execution plan is as follow. With INSERT – EXEC you get two statements. The one for the result-set of EXEC and the second one for inserting the data.

Execution plan INSERT
Execution plan INSERT

Transaction log

Another perspective is the transaction scope behaviour. Let’s get data from transaction_log event to temporary tables first.

SELECT     CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="log_record_size"])[1]','INT') logsize,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/@timestamp)[1]','datetime2') timestamp,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="transaction_start_time"])[1]','datetime2') date_time,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="database_id"])[1]','INT')    database_id,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="transaction_id"])[1]','INT')    transaction_id,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/action[@name="sql_text"])[1]','VARCHAR(1000)')    sql_text ,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="operation"])[1]','VARCHAR(1000)')    operation
INTO #t1
FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file('C:\outputfile\outputfile1*.xel', 'C:\outputfile\outputfile1*.xem', null, null)
WHERE object_name = 'transaction_log' ;

SELECT CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="log_record_size"])[1]','INT') logsize,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/@timestamp)[1]','datetime2') timestamp,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="transaction_start_time"])[1]','datetime2') date_time,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="database_id"])[1]','INT')    database_id,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="transaction_id"])[1]','INT')    transaction_id,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/action[@name="sql_text"])[1]','VARCHAR(1000)')    sql_text ,
CAST (EVENT_data AS XML).value('(/event/data[@name="operation"])[1]','VARCHAR(1000)')    operation
INTO #t2
FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file('C:\outputfile\outputfile2*.xel', 'C:\outputfile\outputfile2*.xem', null, null)
WHERE object_name = 'transaction_log' 

 Comparing following query outputs, we can see that insert-exec is scoped by one transaction against multiple individual transactions with normal insert.

SELECT COUNT(1) row_count,SUM(logsize) logsize,transaction_id,database_id FROM #t1 WHERE operation = '2LOP_INSERT_ROWS' GROUP BY transaction_id ,database_id

SELECT COUNT(1) row_count,SUM(logsize) logsize,transaction_id,database_id FROM #t2 WHERE operation = '2LOP_INSERT_ROWS' GROUP BY transaction_id, database_id
Transaction log output
Transaction log output

Transaction scope

In case of INSERT-EXEC statement it should rollback all insert statements inside of EXEC statement when error occurs, because INSERT – EXEC is scoped by one transaction. In case of individual transactions in stored procedure, each insert is taken like separate transaction, so rollbacked will be insert resulting with error. Let’s try:

Change type of inserting value to INT column in second insert.

INSERT INTO dbo.TempTable2
SELECT TOP 100000 REPLICATE('a',10 ) REPLICATE('a',10 ) a
FROM sys.objects a
JOIN sys.objects b ON 1=1

Run testing queries again. As you can see in case of INSERT-EXEC statement there are no rows inserted in tables since rollback appears.


While INSERT-EXEC statement still takes place in some scenarios, you should be aware of mentioned circumstances.

NOTICE: I would like to check that transaction log of temporary database was filled with connection to the worktable created by INSERT-EXEC statement. But I cannot see any insert lop insert operation trough extended events in temporary database. I just see extent allocation

SELECT * FROM #t2 WHERE database_id = 2

 If you have any idea whether worktables are logged and it is possible to trace them, please write a comment.


Transaction log – multi-statement table valued function

Someday I got interesting question in my job. Does SELECT query from multi-statement table valued function have impact on transaction log?

Because of result-set, there is a table variable declaration in multi-statement table valued function, we could expect the same behavior as described in post.

It would be interesting to make some tests, because I didn’t think about that simple select from function could affect transaction log of tempdb database. Results were surprising for me, follow reading this post, if you are insterested in. Just to remind, run bellow published scripts on testing environment only. I am using local installation of SQL on my laptop.

I would use similar approach as in post, In short.

  1. Clean up tempdb transaction log, and set the size of the log to the minimum
  2. Create multivalued function and select data from it
  3. Run simple select from the function
  4. In another query window run undocumented function sys.fn_dblog to get data from transaction log
  5. In another query window run allocation unit query extended to locking info (I will explain later)
  6. Check how tempdb transaction log file grew up

Firstly, set tempdb transaction log at the minimum size, to see if there is an impact on the transaction log. And call CHECKPOINT operation to clean-up transaction log. With the query bellow check list of allocation units with allocated pages in tempdb.

select request_type, request_mode,sa.total_pages,, so.object_id, sp.index_id, sp.partition_id, sp.hobt_id, sa.allocation_unit_id, sa.type_desc
, l.*
FROM sys.objects so
JOIN sys.partitions sp on so.object_id = sp.object_id
JOIN sys.allocation_units sa on sa.container_id = sp.hobt_id
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_tran_locks l ON so.object_id =l.resource_associated_entity_id
WHERE total_pages >0

In my environment the query did not return any temporary tables with allocated pages.  So we can start test.

Run script bellow to create testing function.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetData]()
@TableTest TABLE (id INT, testdata INT
SELECT a.object_id
     , a.object_id
FROM sys.objects a
JOIN sys.objects b ON 1=1
JOIN sys.objects c ON 1=1
JOIN sys.objects d ON 1=1
JOIN sys.objects e ON 1=1

Query to get data from created function.

SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_GetData() ;

In another SQL query window run query returning allocation units, listed above. After querying allocation units from tempdb we can see that there is  temporary table with allocated pages. Run query few times to see that count of allocated pages is increasing. See picture bellow.

Allocation units
Picture 01 Allocation units

Lets check tempdb transaction log file size. We can see that it was increased rapidly.

Transaction log file size
Picture 02 Transaction log file size

It is interesting that even when using simple SELECT from multi-statement table valued function, the tempdb transaction log can be affected. The Table variable declared for result-set inside the function is physically placed in tempdb. It is very similar behavior as in the post.

From sys.fn_dblog function we can see operations on Allocation unit (temporary table) we got from queries above.

Transaction log
Picture03 Transaction log

This time I had problem with DBCC PAGE to check inserted data. I was not able to access data as in post. That was reason why I extended script querying allocation units to locking info, where you can see that temporary table has exclusive lock, so other processes cannot read data from it. In my previous post where I tested impact of  Table variable on transaction log, there was BU (bulk load) lock mode set, so I was able to access data from sys.fn_dblog function.

Conclusion. Not only Table variable could impact transaction log, but multi-statement table valued function can affect it too. It is very interesting, and here raises another reason why you should be careful using these SQL features with respect to query performance. Both object types are physically created in tempdb database, not in memory. I found one difference between the table valued function and Table variable and it is lock escalation on these objects. While in case of Table variable, there was created temporary table in tempdb database with BU request mode, temporary table created by querying the multi-statement function was locked by X (exclusive lock). There would be probably more differrencies but maybe next time, and in another post.