SSRS Reporting Service URL commands

When you would like to access Report Server from your application or just link reports, you can use URL of Report Server for such a task. URL access to Reporting Services supports few useful commands you can handle visualisation your reports.

There are following sets of commands you can change look your Reporting Services.

Find more info here: .

Find few examples bellow.

Hide Toolbar with parameters.
http://dwh/Reportserver?/Blog/ReportSales7 - Interactive sorting&rc:Parameters=Collapsed
Collapsed toolbar
Picture 1 – Collapsed toolbar
Go to second page.
http://dwh/Reportserver?/Blog/ReportSales0 - Detail data&rc:Section=2
Report second page
Picture 2 – Report second page
List reports in directory.
List directory
Picture 3 – List directory
Get PDF format of report.
http://dwh/Reportserver?/Blog/ReportSales0 - Detail data&rs:Format=PDF
Export report
Picture 4 – Export report